About the Artist
“The expressions of the artist’s soul can aid others to remember their truest selves.”
- Joseph Raffael -
Like most artists, the act of creation is our passion. Each of us has a unique voice in how that art plays out on paper, canvas, clay – whatever the medium may be. As for myself, whether working with watercolors, acrylic or color pencil, I am at my best when I’m creating. Bolstered by the enticing words and music of Leonard Cohen, or in complete silence, I can go on for hours and hours, in a sort of meditative state.
I’ve learned to trust that whatever comes forth from the canvas is what was meant to show up. With my acrylic work, I’ll begin with a background, where the figure of a woman always presents itself, and thus, I paint her. Why women? I love the inherent inner beauty of the female. She continues to ask to be painted, where her outer beauty is also visible. My card line, though more illustrative than the fine art pieces, is just another way I continue to bring the feminine alive in my painting.
Words and art collide for me, and I find great solace in both. The well spoken words of others have the power to influence or move one to understand more deeply. You will notice, as you view the Cory-O-Graphics site, that I incorporate quotes into my pieces. I have done much inner work through my painting; processing feelings, emotions and even health issues.
I am honored to be able to share my work with you.